I made it…I’m home

What I feel like right now.

finals week meme | exam week finishes it's over. it's finally over - Frodo | Meme ...

I finished my finals two days ago, and I have finally recovered enough to speak actual English (before I was just muttering to myself about Chemistry, since my last two finals were Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry…so I was pretty much dealing with the entire periodic table, minus the f block).  The day that I had finished my exams, I’m pretty sure all of my friends and I were done with life because at 11:30 pm or midnight we were running around campus with one of my guy friends, who was wearing my muslim friend’s burka, bugging other people.  It was beautiful.

My friend running around campus in a burka

Awesome burka times

The people we were bugging were most likely…*cough cough* high *cough* so they were REALLY confused.  Unfortunately, since I had spent all night screwing around with friends until 1:30 am, the next morning I had to wake up early and participate in the moving-out olympics to get myself out on time for the RA to check me out of residences.  I regret nothing.

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